Comment Bank for Report Writing
General comments
Lamin always tries his best and works
well in class
Lamin must try to improve his concentration and stay on-task for longer.
Although he finds the subject difficult, Lamin always puts his all into his work
and I am pleased with the progress he has made.
Lamin needs to pay more attention to detail.
Lamin is always attentive and always asks when unsure.
Although clearly able and enjoys the subject, Lamin must make more of an effort
to complete homework satisfactorily.
Lamin is an enthusiastic member of the class, and is always willing to participate.
In class, Lamin is apt to be chatty and his concentration wanders - he must try
to pay more attention to the task in hand.
I am very pleased with the way Lamin has been working, particularly his willingness
to speak in class.
Lamin must try to improve his attendance
Lamin struggled with the written side of French at the beginning of term, but
has made giant strides and now is well on the way to mastering this area. Well
Camilla always tries her best and works well in class.
Camilla must try to improve her concentration and stay on-task for longer.
Although she finds the subject difficult, Camilla always puts her all into her
work and I am pleased with the progress she has made.
Camilla needs to pay more attention to detail.
Camilla is always attentive and always asks when unsure.
Although clearly able and enjoys the subject, Camilla must make more of an effort
to complete homework satisfactorily.
Camilla is an enthusiastic member of the class, and is always willing to participate.
In class, Camilla is apt to be chatty and her concentration wanders - she must
try to pay more attention to the task in hand.
I am very pleased with the way Camilla has been working, particularly her willingness
to speak in class.
Camilla must try to improve her attendance
Camilla struggled with the written side of French at the beginning of term, but
has made giant strides and now is well on the way to mastering the area. Well
X is a conscientious student who always tries hard in the lessons and produces
high quality written work. He always makes an effort to take part in the
communicative activities in class. However, he needs to develop his listening
skills, which could be done through listening to French radio or watching French
Y has not achieved the standards required for this term. This is mainly
because of his lack of concentration and poor effort and behaviour in class.
He seems disinterested and needs to apply himself more to his work in class.
Homework should be regularly monitored in order to be sure that Y is doing his
best to improve his level.
Z has made a great deal of progress this term which has been reflected in recent
exam results. However Z still needs to improve his written skills and pay
attention to small spelling inaccuracies or grammar mistakes which could be easily
avoided through careful revision of work.
B participates well in class and gets on well with his peers.
I am very concerned by C’s behaviour in class. His continual disruptive behaviour
not only prevents him from concentrating in class but at the same time disturbs
his fellow pupils.
Billy has worked diligently this term and tries extremely hard
He does have a tendency to switch off which is reflected in his work.
Work this term has been of a particularly high standard. Bob has excelled himself.
Well done.
Obviously French is not Bob’s favourite subject, yet his effort is high and I
am impressed with his progress.
Bob has proved himself a very capable linguist and consistently finishes top of
the class. All four skills are excellent, although his written work occasionally
suffers from gaps in his grammar and therefore requires more attention.
Discipline is a serious problem for Bob. He must learn not to answer back and
control his continual outbursts in class.
Bob started the term promisingly and his standard of work has come on leaps and
bounds. His effort has of late however dropped off. I look forward to a better
effort next term.
..... is very conscientious
.... works to the best of his/her abilities a pleasure to teach
greater concentration would help ..... to achieve higher marks
...... is having some difficulty with.....
......always gives of his best
excellent participation in class
it would be nice to see..... contribute more in class
..... must not be afraid to ask if he/she does not understand
..... keep it up !
.......uses a good range of tenses
.......demonstrates an ability to write fluently in the Target Language
..... is able to use the computer confidently to produce high quality work able to pick out several details from a listening passage
......needs to develop his confidence in speaking out in class making progress
.... has faced some difficulties, but is doing his best to overcome these a key member of the class able to understand more complex words and phrases
....needs to work hard on his/her tenses, so as to achieve the Level of which
he is capable
.......must revise thoroughly so as to achieve his true potential
I look forward to continued progress next year
is very attentive
often misbehaves
works well
shows great potential
has made progress
has not made great progress
often disrupts the class and interferes with his classmates’right to learn.
works excellently in class and produces excellent homeworks.
often behaves innapropriately
needs to concentrate on his her skills pronunciation
needs to focus more on
works very well indeed
By ability I would place in the top third of the class
does not regularly participate in class
regularly participates in class
needs to make an effort
keep it up
good effort although more concentration is needed
extremely good level of speaking and listening, has to concentrate on the perfect
excellent participation during lessons.
good reading skills
perfect understanding of written work
has to participate during lessons
has to revise the future tense
Is developing his/her language skills
adequately/well/ very well/ extremely well
has improved significantly this term/ year
Is not participating sufficiently in class
Is not working to the best of his/her ability
Would benefit from a change in attitude
Making great strides forward.
Making encouraging progress.
Taking time to adjust to the demands of the course.
Well done, you’ve made excellent progress this year
Adjusting well to the demands of this new subject.
Steve has done brilliantly this term
I was enchanted by his progress
Bob is doing well and I am pleased with his progress.
Bob is working hard, but perhaps not achieving the progress that he could.
Bob is not working to his full potential.
I am pleased with the effort that Bob puts into his work.
Bob’s standard of work is excellent.
X is consistently maintaining a high standard of work
Y has produced some work of exceptional quality and I am looking forward to seeing
more work of a similar standard.
is trying extremely hard
you need to make more effort with homework / revision / classwork
presentation is neat / beautiful, content needs some attention!
Your consistent effort has been rewarded by excellent results.
can be restless at times
is inclined to be very lively during language lessons
frequently distracts others
works far better when s/he does not sit near x
Steve has settled down a lot this week.
does not pay enough attention in class
is a little too chatty in class
is rather inattentive
is not producing enough work in class
is easily distracted
has a tendency to switch off
is trying hard but has some difficulties with the subject
is not putting maximum of effort into his work
unacceptable level of slothfulness
is rather uncooperative in class
needs to be more forthcoming
is often challenged by the work
is working very hard and making good progress
has made great progress and is achieving her full potential
always contributes well in class
hand in homework promptly
raise his/her hand to answer at least one question per session
You now need to focus on organising yourself a little better.
Try and put your hand up more during lessons.
Has tried hard to focus carefully on
listening tasks and this is reflected in improved results.
Needs to focus carefully during listening tasks.
Must try not to be put off by listening activities.
Making excellent oral contribution
in all lessons.
Needs to have more confidence in own speaking ability
Has excellent ability but needs to have the confidence to participate orally in
Oral comments are correct but should volunteer answers more often.
Reading skills have improved considerably
this term/year/lifetime
Has gained in confidence considerably in reading tasks this term.
Has read two words this term - one more than last term!
Shows great willingness to read aloud in class.
Kate has achieved a high level of reading and I am very pleased with her.
Kate has few difficulties with her reading skills.
Kate reads competently.
Kate has shown considerable improvement in the past few weeks - well done!
Reading is one of Kate’s weaker skills.
Her spelling has improved immeasurably
over the course of this term.
Her written work often seems rushed. Perhaps a bit of work on presentation is
Steve made a lot of efforts with his French spelling
John has shown difficulties with his writing skills.
John has really improved over the course of the term.
John has an excellent grasp of the written word.
John has achieved a high level in his written work.
Document last updated 3 January
2010. This page is maintained by Graham Davies.
© Sarah Davies in association with MDM creative. under
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