Q: How much does
cost to enrol for ICT4LT?
A: There is no process of enrolment. ICT4LT is not an online course,
but a set of Web-based training resources designed for teachers of Modern Foreign
Languages. Access to the ICT4LT website is free of charge. If you are looking
for an online course in ICT and language learning and teaching, see this list:
Q: Are
the ICT4LT materials geared towards the National Curriculum?
A: To some extent, yes, but this is not the primary aim. It
must be borne in mind that ICT4LT is a transnational project that seeks to look
beyond the requirements of one sector of one EU member state. ICT4LT aims to
provide a range of modules that address the needs of European language teachers
working in the secondary and higher education sectors. The role of ICT and Modern
Foreign Languages in the National Curriculum is addressed under
the heading Use
of ICT at the Department
for Education website.
Q: I sometimes
have difficulty downloading the full contents of some modules. Why does this
A: Unfortunately, the Web is an unreliable beast. The problem is
most likely the result of general Internet congestion or to the way your own
Internet Service Provider (ISP) handles incoming files. At peak times of the
day this kind of thing happens all the time. Try accessing the ICT4LT site at
a quieter time of day. If the problem persists, then let us know.
Q: ICT4LT sounds
a bit technical. To what extent will it deal with language teaching pedagogy?
A: The starting point of ICT4LT is pedagogy not technology.
Technical jargon and technical information are introduced only where necessary.
The writers of the materials are not technicians but practising language teachers
and teacher trainers. Only one module can be considered technical, and it attempts
to explain ICT technology in terms that a lay person can understand: Module
1.2, Introduction to computer hardware and software: what the language
teacher needs to know.
Q: How do I make
comments on what I read at the ICT4LT website? Can I send you questions?
A: Use our online Feedback Form or visit
the ICT4LT
blog.We welcome comments and questions, but we can only answer questions
relating directly to the use of ICT in language teaching and learning.
Q: Where do I stand
with regard to copyright and the materials at the ICT4LT website?
A: If you download or print a copy of any material from the ICT4LT
site, please pay due respect to copyright. See the ICT4LT Copyright
notice at the foot of this page and on all other pages at this site, and
see our General guidelines on copyright. Legislation
in the UK and in the EU as a whole has been tightened up with regard to what
you are allowed to distribute in electronic format.
Q: How often is
the ICT4LT site updated?
A: The English language version is updated every week. The date of
the most recent update appears at the bottom of the page of each module. The
Italian, Finnish and Swedish versions are no longer being updated and have been
removed from the ICT4LT site.
Q: How do I cite
information that I have found at this site, e.g. for example in a bibliography?
A: Hard-and-fast conventions regarding the bibliographical referencing
of Web pages are only slowly emerging. Look at the bottom of the page of each
module for information on referencing. This is what we recommend:
If you refer to the English-language
version of the ICT4LT website in general you should reference it thus:
Davies G. (ed.) Information
and Communications Technology for Language Teachers (ICT4LT), Slough,
Thames Valley University [Online]. Available at: http://www.ict4lt.org
[Accessed DD Month YYYY].
If you wish to send us feedback on any aspect of the ICT4LT website, use our online Feedback Form or visit the ICT4LT blog.
Document last updated 9 December 2011. This page is maintained by Graham Davies.
© Sarah Davies in association with MDM creative.
This work is licensed under a
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.